Light On The Hill - Harrow Spiritualist Church
The Shopping list of items the Harrow Foodbank need and do not need can be found at:
Wednesdays - Divine Service 7.30pm - 9:00pm
Wednesdays - healing (after the service)
First Thursday of the month - healing with Keith from 7:30pm
Saturdays/Sundays - special events and workshops
Zoom ID: 916 859 8296 password: harrow
Mondays - divine service 7pm, zoom doors open 6:50pm
Other days - Open healing circle and special events
Light On The Hill continues to send healing to all in need at this time. Reminder - Membership Subscriptions 2025.
£12 per year, £6 per year for those in receipt of a state pension. Contact Keith Blake the membership secretary
This site is GDPR compliant
Please contact the church should you have any further queries regarding the personal information that is held about you, how it is used and how GDPR compliancy affects you.
There are several ways to contact us:
By post:
1 Vaughan Road
By phone: 07528 348 432
By email:
President: Astra Tertullien
Vice President: Louise Handley
Mediums' Secretary:
Membership Secretary:
Lead Healer: Keith Blake
Committee Members:
Michala Jermy
Sylvester Boyles
Gillian Westlake
Siobhan Brown
We also have a wonderful band of regular supporters who work tirelessly behind the scenes devoting their time and energy to the church in a variety of ways to keep the doors of our sanctuary open.
20 Minute Zoom Private Sittings are available for a Donation to the Church. Our Mediums currently available are Derek Spall. For more details please contact the church.
Denise Pilgrim's work can be found at:
All sittings are classed as "experimental". If you are not satisfied with what is happening, you should inform the Medium at the early stages of the sitting - do no wait until the end.
No specific results can be guaranteed by the readers.
Please note Harrow Spiritualist Church accepts no responsibility for any decisions made based on the information provided by the Medium. Furthermore, Harrow Spiritualist Church nor its readers are not liable to anyone for any loss or injury resulting from the direct or indirect use of such information, and shall not be liable for any decision made or action taken in reliance upon such information. Clairvoyant and Psychic readings and variants thereof are for experimental purposes only. Finally, it is recommended that a physician or a licensed health-care professional is seen for any physical or psychological ailment.